Instalare OpenDCHub Executati urmatoarele comenzi in terminal:
root@acasa:/home/opendchub/bin# ./opendchub
Enter port number to listen for connections.
Ports below 1024 is only for root: 4111
Listening Port set to 4111
Please, supply an admin pass for hub: PAROLA
Your admin pass is set to PAROLA
Please, supply a password for hub linking: PAROLA.LINK
Your Hub linking pass is set to PAROLA.LINK
Hub is up and running. Listening for user connections on port 4111
and listening for admin connections on port 53696
telnet hub.address port 53696
add admin:
$adduser nick pass 2|
add op:
$adduser nick pass 1|
add reguser:
$adduser nick pass 0|
Opendchub homepage: