Prima Varianta In acest tutorial va voi invata cum sa scoateti alertele stresante de la windows. ESTE INCERCAT NUMAI PE SP2.
Intrati in Safe Mode ( F8 ). Dati un search in C:/ cu "wga" . Tot ce gasiti stergeti. Vedeti ca un fisier dll nu merge sters. Il lasati acolo. Dupa aceea mergem in start > run > regedit. Dati un search la wga. La fel si de data asta stergeti tot ce gasiti. dati search din nou ( F3 ) si stergeti pana nu mai gaseste nimic.
A doua Varianta
1. Lauch Windows Task Manager.
2. End wgatray.exe process in Task Manager.
3. Restart Windows XP in Safe Mode.
4. Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\Windows\System32.
5. Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\Windows\System32\dllcache.
6. Lauch RegEdit.
7. Browse to the following location:
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify
8. Delete the folder ‘WgaLogon’ and all its contents
9. Reboot Windows XP.